Lots has happened since last update.
The play has been and gone, and if I do say so, been and gone quite well indeed. After a first week of empty theatres and slightly nervous performances, our second week was a great success, with large audiences, solid performances, and many a laugh. (From the audience, not from us, that would be weird) Although we were unable to break even, we did come mighty close, and I take that as a win. Compliments were received for both the writing and the performance, which certainly gives me hope for the future.
We've begun talks for our next production (which is likely to be the following year), and I have eagerly leapt into my next project, of which I will remain quiet for the moment as we are only in the early stages and announcing before we're ready is never a good idea, suffice to say it is a combination of several different smaller projects. Watch your computer monitors.
Currently I'm teaching myself a lot of new skills, as there are areas I want to move into that I have little to no practicaly knowledge about, so with the help of some text books and a few dvds, I'm slowly increasing my skillset, which will help with the projects in question, but also provide some long term open doors. It's a shame the software is so expensive, but ah well, can't be helped.
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